Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss Elspass
Designated Safeguarding Deputy: Mrs Dolby-Molson
Designated Safeguarding Deputy: Mrs Evans
Designated Safeguarding Deputy: Mrs Catesby-Potts
Designated Safeguarding Deputy: Miss Farnsworth
Helpful Links
Please look at the links below for advice and support to help with parenting school children. Advice ranging from health and social issues, to parenting advice and help with what to do to help your child through school and after school.
Talk PANTS is a simple conversation to help keep your child safe from sexual abuse.
A free, private and confidential service where children can talk about anything.
Anti-bullying Alliance
A wealth of resources and support promoting anti-bullying.
BBC Own It
A website full of games, videos and resources to promote positive emotional wellbeing.
Young Minds
A website to support parents and carers with their child’s behaviour and mental health.
NWG Network
Information for parents and carers and child sexual exploitation
A website with a wealth of resources to support children’s behaviour and mental health
Relate – Parenting teenagers
Parenting teenagers can be challenging and many parents find it hard to adapt to changes in their child’s behaviour as they grow up. Here you’ll find lots of practical advice on how to deal with common teen issues.
Family Lives – Parenting teenagers
Parenting teenagers can be difficult but teens still need you. Read advice pages on what teenagers need from their parents and how to improve the parent teenager relationship.
Mumsnet – Parenting teenagers
Parenting teenagers can be the hardest job in the world. Here is some Mumsnet advice about the thrills and spills of parenting teenagers.
NHS Mental Health for Children, Teenagers and Young Adults
Find advice and support about mental health for children, teenagers, students and parents.
NSPCC – Drugs and Alcohol
Lots of parents are concerned about underage drinking and drug taking. Find out how you can keep your child safe and aware of the risks.
Careers advice for parents
Careers Advice for UK parents, young people, school leavers, A Level students, teenagers. Independent, informative & accurate.
Careers helpline for teenagers
Call the National Careers Service helpline for information and advice about jobs, careers and training if you’re 13 or older.