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01455 212294 Arbor

Growing faith, challenging minds, discovering talents

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


PFA Planned Events

Our PFA events planned for this academic year to raise funds for our fabulous school.

Tuesday 15th OctoberCoffee Morning at Church, 9.00am-10.00am
Friday 8th NovemberNon-Uniform Day
Friday 8th NovemberSweet Amnesty, 8.30am
Friday 8th NovemberSchool Disco, 3.00pm-4.30pm
Tuesday 17th DecemberCoffee Morning at Church, 9.00am-10.00am
Thursday 19th DecemberChristmas Craft in the School Hall, 2.00pm-3.00pm
Friday 28th FebruaryDonations for Funday
Thursday 27th MarchMother's Day pop up in the playground, 2.50pm
Friday 28th MarchMother's Day pop up in the playground, 2.50pm
Friday 9th MayCoffee Afternoon in the Church, 2.00pm
Friday 6th JuneFunday, 2.30pm-4.30pm
Thursday 12th JuneFather's Day pop up in the playground, 2.50pm
Friday 13th JuneFather's Day pop up in the playground, 2.50pm
Friday 27th JuneBreak the Rules Day


PFA Early Summer Newsletter May 2024


We are always looking for new members! If any parents would like to join the PFA, please contact the school office. Thank you.


School Uniform

Please reach out to us if you are finding yourself needing more school uniform. We have a great range of sizes of good quality second hand uniform at £1 per logo item; 50p per non-logo item. Help your wallet and the planet!
