Pupil Premium
Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
Families who are in receipt of some benefits and/or free school meals, are entitled to additional funding from the government. This money is put into the school's budget and is to be used by the school to support these children to achieve the very best that they can and also so that any gaps in attainment or progress can be closed.
Please contact the school office if you think your child may be entitled to this funding.
Pupil premium funding is used to diminish any barriers to learning that eligible children may have. At our school these are typically:
- lower attendance
- social, emotional and mental health issues
- gaps in learning
- slower rates of progress
- limited experiences of the wider world
- low aspiration
- problems with participation due to lack of equipment/kit.
Please use the following links for further information and to apply for Pupil Premium funding: