British Values
As a Church of England Primary School, we link the teaching of British Values closely with our teaching of Christian Values. Our aim is to prepare children for their lives in modern Britain.
- Democracy- Both the School Council and Worship teams are applied for and pupils vote for the candidates on the basis of their ideas. Children are encouraged to think about who is demonstrating the Christian Value for the half term. Older children learn about the British democratic system through their topic work.
- Rule of Law- Children are made aware of the school and class rules. Our ‘Golden Rules’ are specifically linked to positive behaviour reinforcement. During Anti-Bullying Week, PSHCE lessons and at other times, children are made aware of the laws that relate to themselves and to adults and how these laws protect us all.
- Individual Liberty- Children are encouraged to make their own choices and have many opportunities to do so. In lessons, there are a variety of resources and ‘help boxes’ to enable children to support their own learning. Children are also encouraged to reflect upon their learning and think about how the 'First 5 Feel", asking for a greater challenge or some support if necessary. Older children choose their own menu choices before meals are ordered. There are also clubs and activities within school time and after school, that the children are able to choose. Through our RE, PHSCE and School Worship, children explore and reflect upon how they can be understanding of the choices of others, including forgiveness for wrong choices.
- Mutual Respect- An inclusive admissions policy, encourages all pupils to feel part of school. Visitors to school from Churches and community groups take place regularly. Playground posters to encourage positive behaviour linked to mutual respect.
- Tolerance- Children are taught about a variety of Faith groups within lessons and School Worship. A cycle of visits to places of Worship is in place. Staff in school model understanding and tolerance in their dealings with all children and adults.